2nd Grade

2nd Grade
Two quails

Welcome to 2nd Grade

  Mrs. Bustamante - POD B Room 133A
Mrs. Sherry - POD B Room 130 
Welcome to second grade! Our classrooms are very structured, with clear routines. Students are rewarded for positive behaviors in many ways. We have high expectations for all students and we try our best to set your child up for success. Visit the Welcome Back news for more classroom information.

Communication: If you would like to contact us, you may call the office at 908-5700 to leave a message or email us at any time. We both use CLASS DOJO to post classroom information, deadlines, important dates, etc. Contact us for information on how to sign up. We also send home monthly newsletters and other school flyers in the student's Homework Folder.

Homework: Homework will go home at the beginning of the month and be due at the end of the month. The students will choose from 'menu boards' for these 'family-based' projects. Spelling word homework is based on our curriculum and will be sent home weekly, on Mondays, and due on Fridays. Spelling assessments are given on Fridays. Students may also be assigned uncompleted classwork as homework. All homework should be kept in the student's Homework Folder. Additionally, it's always a great idea to read at least 20 minutes per day with your child.

Supplies: All students should come to school prepared with a backpack, their Homework Folder (provided), a supply of pencils, erasers, crayons, glue sticks

Wish List: We regularly need items for the class such as Kleenex, hand soap, hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, dry erase markers, and snacks - we thank you for any and ALL DONATIONS!

Helpful Links:

Lunch Menu
Parent Vue - standards based report cards (in PDF)