4th Grade

4th Grade
A sketch of a wolf

Mrs. Boyd - POD A Room 122
Mrs. Fuller-McDaniel - POD A Room 125
Welcome to 4th Grade! We look forward to working with you and your children this year. Our classrooms are very structured, with clearly defined curriculum objectives and classroom routines. This year, in addition to ELA and Math, our fourth grade students will participate in Science and Social Studies lessons, structured P.E., Computer and keyboard class, Art class, Dance class, and Orchestra. Students will also have the opportunity to go on several off-campus field trips.

It is important that your child is at school on-time everyday and prepared with a backpack, a supply of pencils and erasers, glue sticks, scissors, colored pencils, notebook paper, and a flash-drive. All students are given a homework folder which they will need to bring back and forth to school.

We believe open communication between parents and us is very important. Ms. Franco uses Class Dojo to post information about class work, homework, deadlines and field trips. Classroom and School newsletters and other pertinent information is sent home in the student's homework folder - please be sure to check daily. If you need to speak with us, please leave a message with the office or email us anytime.

Let's have a great year!
Contact Me
Phone number: 520-908-5700

Contact Mrs. Boyd by email
Contact Mrs. Fuller-McDaniel by email

Please call 908-5702 if your child is going to be absent.